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Which Has More Risk, Growth or No Growth?

May 25, 2023

Even Though Growth is Risky, No Growth is Also Risky

One surprise I have found in my business as a coach, speaker, and trainer is that many people do not have an interest in personal or professional growth.


Why is that? Because growth is risky, and it requires change. The adage that we don’t change until the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of change applies to many of us. The hardest part about making a change is making the decision to do so and taking the first step, and we often find it isn’t as hard as we feared.


Here is a hard truth. Our world is not standing still. Whatever industry or line of work one is in isn’t standing still. Every day the world sees new technology, new competitors, new products and services, and new challenges. (Personally, I need help with the technology part!)


Many seem to think where they are is good enough, so they have comfortably settled on a plateau. It won’t be comfortable for long, though, because in a world that is moving forward every day, that place on the plateau will be slowly, or rapidly, losing ground and falling behind.

Because we live in a world that gets more competitive and complicated every day businesses find it necessary to adapt and adjust their business practices to stay relevant and to grow.

Which is the Greater Risk?


So, even though growth is risky, not growing is also risky, and maybe more so. One of the problems with trying to catch up after we have been left behind is that the work to do so is even harder because we have further to go to catch up, much less get ahead.

High achievers often employ a coach to help them advance in their profession. Coaching provides individualized attention for business leaders, key individuals in an organization, athletes, and entertainers to help them improve their skills, achieve their goals, and reach peak performance.


They help manage the risks of growth. A good coach can give you a fresh perspective and help you gain clarity to grow and move forward.


Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Executive Chairman of Google and Alphabet values coaches for “looking at something with another set of eyes, describing it to you in [their] words, and discussing how to approach the problem.”

Schmidt also says “every famous athlete, every famous performer has somebody who is a coach. Somebody who can watch what they’re doing and say, ‘is that what you really meant.’ One thing people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A good coach really, really helps.”

These high achievers tend to continue to use a coach even after they find great success. Why do you think they do this?


Three reasons high achievers use a coach:

·      They know their success is not entirely self-made. They have had help along the way and 

       appreciate that high achievement is a team effort.

·      They’ve learned they have still greater potential and a drive to get even better. A coach

       offers needed guidance, accountability, and perspective to help them fulfill their potential.

·      They don’t want to lose their advantage and want to stay one step ahead of their


Maybe you’ve thought about hiring a coach but don’t really know what they do. If that applies to you, I have a complimentary offer for you. Test me. Test me in a 30-minute, one-on-one coaching conversation to discuss one issue or problem you are dealing with and see if I can help you gain a fresh perspective or clarity to move forward.

We can talk about what happens next if you have further interest. I offer multiple coaching packages to facilitate growth, set clear goals, improve relationships or deal with other issues that are keeping you from fulfilling your potential.

Here is a link to a short video on my Facebook page that will tell you more about what I do as a coach. I would greatly appreciate it if you can like my page while you are there.

Call me at 502-265-5036 or schedule a 30-minute time below to test me.


Tad Douglas Coaching


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