I’ve been thinking of the connection between finding our purpose and maximizing our potential. An internet search for the phrase “find your purpose in life” yielded over 21 billion results, so I may not have the definitive answer in this short blog. What I can do is offer some thoughts based upon decades of experience and what other thought leaders have said.
Fulfilling your potential comes as you move toward living out your purpose. By identifying and stepping into a purpose that is meaningful to you. That sounds simple enough, but for many of us it isn’t easy to figure out.
John Maxwell says that “when you add what you love doing to what you're good at doing, and you use those things to meet the needs of others—you find your purpose.”
A meaningful purpose is something that moves us to action, and often that is something we do naturally. I believe our purpose and passion are in our DNA, who we are. They rarely seem to be fully formed but do become clearer over time with age, experience, success, and failures.
Author and speaker Maggie Wooll says, “Your purpose in life is as unique to you as your fingerprint. We all have a particular set of talents, experiences, skill sets, and interests that light us up. Purpose is related to these, but it is your reason for being… Purpose is the long game, not the short-term goal. You never get to the end of it. However, even a strong sense of purpose can wear you down. That's why, ideally, your purpose blends with what interests you and brings you joy.”
What does it mean to have a purpose or meaning in life?
Another quote from John Maxwell is, “Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.
Our purpose is connected to our strengths and giftedness, things we naturally do well.
We find our purpose in the areas of our greatest strengths, the natural talents that are revealed through our work and everyday life.
How do you maximize your potential?
Dhruv Khullar M.D. in a New York Times article* cited a study that found about 25% of American adults have a clear sense of purpose for their lives, and 40% either don’t have one or have a neutral view. Finding a clear purpose in one’s life does not seem to be the norm. *Finding Purpose for a Good Life. But Also a Healthy One.
Here are some questions that can be useful in helping find purpose in life and unlocking our potential:
What am I good at?
What do I love doing?
What are my best qualities?
What do people most often ask me for help with?
What accomplishments have given me the most satisfaction?
These questions are just one step in gaining a better understanding of ourselves and what our experience reveals about our purpose and passion in life.
Where do you fall on the scale of having a clear purpose in life?
If you are in the 25%, I can help you develop and implement a clear strategy to maximize your potential. If you are not in the 25%, I can help you uncover your purpose to begin fulfilling your potential.
If you would like to explore that in more depth with me, call me at 502-553-8119 or schedule a time to chat with me below.
Tad Douglas Coaching
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