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Effective Leaders Are First Good Followers

Tad Douglas
Oct 07, 2024

Effective Leaders Are First Good Followers

Two recent conversations with friends, one a retired Army Colonel and one who coaches leaders both centered around the idea that effective leaders must first learn to be good followers. Aristotle said, “He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.”

Why is this true? In the military following the chain of command is critical. My friend could not have been promoted to Colonel if he had not been a team player who carried out orders or had not watched out for the others in his units. A lone ranger will not make it far in the military.

In a company it is important for rising leaders and managers to grasp the vision of the senior executives and/or owners so that all are working to achieve shared goals. An essential trait to working in a successful, growing business, and especially in a great company, is to be a team player.

This is true in any organization. I am not saying a lone ranger cannot be successful – I am talking here about becoming an effective leader.

Leaders are Made, Not Born


Leadership is something you learn, even though some are born with innate abilities that lend to developing as leaders. Best-selling author and leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell says, “Leadership develops daily, not in a day.” He maintains that leadership is a skill that one develops over time, and that everyone has the potential to be a leader.


As the legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi once said: “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”


Developing leadership ability is like developing any other skill. It comes with work, practice, intentionality, and even a few failures along the way. My first attempts at leadership in business were uninspiring, even a bit painful. For both me and those I tried to lead! I first needed to learn to be a follower of good leaders.


Good Character is Essential

Good followers respect, trust and value good leaders, qualities that win the respect of their peers and can put them in line to eventually lead. Future leaders also demonstrate their character by how well they collaborate with other team members, showing that they value, respect, and listen to them. They build the social capital and trust needed to inspire others to follow.

A lack of character and inability to work with others will make it extremely difficult for someone to ever be an effective leader. Are they working for the goals of the organization, or are they pursuing selfish ambitions?

For proof, think about effective leaders you have known. Were they individuals of integrity and character? Did they value and care for those they led? Were they consistent in their actions and willing to teach successful practices?

Compare them to ineffective leaders you have known. Was there a high turnover in their organizations because they did not value and respect their employees, revealing a lack of character? Were they bosses or managers who simply told people what to do without any guidance? These are common reasons why many employees today leave their job for another.

The best, most effective leaders I have worked with in business and in non-profits were people who valued others, listened to their ideas, appreciated their contributions, and readily gave credit to co-workers. They developed their employees to maximize their potential and/or become leaders.

Qualities of Future Leaders

This is not an exhaustive list, but these qualities are important in a good follower and effective future leader:

Team player - Future leaders know that they are only as good as their team. Their commitment is to advance the vision and plans of their leaders and the organization, not themselves, and that sometimes calls for making personal sacrifices to advance the team. The rest of the team notices, especially great leaders because they know leaders put the team first.

Good listener - Asking questions and listening well helps to understand what leaders and co-workers are thinking, which promotes teamwork and positions everyone for success. A key attribute of leaders is they know and understand where the team is, their struggles and concerns. By listening well future leaders also learn these things, plus they can be advocates for colleagues who have great ideas and contributions to make.

Leaders are learners, but that starts before they ever get the title. The best followers are hungry to learn and grow, personally and professionally. You may have heard the phrase “leaders are readers,” because they have a desire to learn and have a vision for their future. John F. Kenndy said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

Are Leaders in Training - Future leaders do not wait for a title to lead. They see opportunities and work to provide solutions. They follow Brian Tracy’s advice, “Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position.”

Competent - Dedication and commitment to accomplish team goals is evidenced by excellent and timely work, whether individually or as a team. Future leaders are skilled in their work and continue to build and develop their skills. Competence is essential to building confidence in those you wish to lead.

Vision - Offering ideas to make the product, service, or process better demonstrates vision that is essential in a leader. John Maxwell says, “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do.”

Humility - This is where the lone ranger fails to become a leader. Humble leaders are more approachable and appreciative of their team because it is not all about them. Humble leaders are willing to admit mistakes and recognize the skills and value their team members offer. Good followers know the team objective is more important than who gets the credit.


My mission is to help business leaders and entrepreneurs unlock their potential and live life in a more meaningful way. Developing leadership skills is essential in building a successful organization. Contact me for a complimentary call to see if I can be of service to you.


Tad Douglas Coaching


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